Appletalk You can play Empire Master against another person over an Appletalk network provided both machines are running Macintosh system 7 or higher. Before you can use this feature appletalk must be connected, enabled and program linking must be enabled. In order to start a game using appletalk, one person must start up Empire Master and wait for the other player to connect. The other player must start up Empire Master, generate a new map (or open an old one) with the Person vs. Person setting chosen in the Game Parameters dialog. After the world has been generated, you will be asked "Where is player ?"   Here (Password) Indicates that the named player will use this machine to issue orders. A blank password can be changed to anything else. Otherwise you must type in whatever password was previously selected Appletalk   Indicates that the named player is on some other machine connected to the local appletalk network. After you select this option (and click OK) the standard PPCBrowser dialog will be used to let you select another machine that is running Empire Master. Once the connection is established you can play normally except that the enemy will be another person. Waiting For File Selecting this makes the game write a saved game immediately. You can send this to your opponent using any available means. Put it on a floppy disk, send it via e-mail or transmit it over a network using FTP to get it to your opponent. Your opponent will then open the saved game, make a move and return the saved game. Several people have been playing Empire Master using FTP on the internet for many months.